Pin Appplet parameters
You can specify the following parameters for PinApplet, the piece of
java which handles the user interface to y-notes:
- noteURL the URL of the script that reads the user notes on the
web (You'll only chage this if you've renamed the default y-notes reader
or implemented your own. Default: "Y-NOTES_WWW_HOME/cgi/rn.cgi".)
- noteQuery The "title" of the note, typically the page
title but it can be anything you want.
- shareDefault whether notes are made public by
default or not ('value="share"' makes the note editor assume
that all notes are public unless the user specifies otherwise).
If shareDefault is "share", then the note editor will
have a checkbox labelled "Private note?", which the user can
slect to make the note private. Any other value (or shareDefault
not passed as a parameter) will cause the checkbox to be labelled
"Shared note?".
- displayShareOption If this is set to "no" the editor
assume that all notes are private; the checkbox is not shown,
and the applet doesn't display the link to shared notes.
- noteHREF The URL to which the note should be added.
Typically, the URL of the page where the y-note appear ("NAME" anchors
are also acceptable.
- noteWriter the URL of the script that writes the user notes on the
web server (You'll only chage this if you've renamed the default y-notes writer
or implemented your own. Default: "Y-NOTES_WWW_HOME/cgi/wn.cgi".)
- noteBGCOLOR The background colour of the note applet. Typically
a hexadecimal number corresponding to an RGB color. If omitted, value
"#ffffff" (white) is assumed (note that symbolic colour names
such as "white", "blue" etc are NOT supported). Typically
you'll want the applet to have the same background colour as your
document, so as to give it the appearance of "transparency".